Morphological Image Library : Smil vs scikit-image

On taurus

Image hubble_EDF_bin - Type bin - Function fastLabel

SMIL (Simple Morphological Image Library) 1.0.0-dev
Copyright (c) 2011-2016, Matthieu FAESSEL and ARMINES
Copyright (c) 2017-2021, CMM - Centre de Morphologie Mathematique
All rights reserved.

Date     : 25/08/2021 12:45:26 PM
Image    : hubble_EDF_bin.png
  width  :   512
  height :   512
  depth  :     1
  type   : binary
Function : fastLabel
  repeat :     7


                       *** Image size ***                       

* Smil

      -   Side SE -        Mean     Std Dev         Min         Max
  0.5 -    256  1 -       1.804       0.017       1.790       1.842 - (ms)
  1.0 -    512  1 -       5.320       0.022       5.299       5.357 - (ms)
  2.0 -   1024  1 -      18.650       0.074      18.576      18.817 - (ms)
  4.0 -   2048  1 -      70.049       0.747      69.306      70.911 - (ms)
  8.0 -   4096  1 -     240.316       0.451     239.827     241.140 - (ms)
 16.0 -   8192  1 -     788.324      14.249     772.633     814.887 - (ms)

* skImage

      -   Side SE -        Mean     Std Dev         Min         Max
  0.5 -    256  1 -       0.336       0.005       0.331       0.341 - (ms)
  1.0 -    512  1 -       1.012       0.001       1.011       1.013 - (ms)
  2.0 -   1024  1 -       6.311       0.009       6.306       6.334 - (ms)
  4.0 -   2048  1 -      38.525       0.041      38.461      38.578 - (ms)
  8.0 -   4096  1 -     154.002       0.049     153.948     154.099 - (ms)
 16.0 -   8192  1 -     613.826       0.140     613.575     614.005 - (ms)

* Speed-up : (dt_skimage / dt_Smil)

        |     T(Smil) |  T(skImage) | T(skImage)/T(Smil) [*]
    256 |       1.804 |       0.336 |          0.186 -0.730
    512 |       5.320 |       1.012 |          0.190 -0.721
   1024 |      18.650 |       6.311 |          0.338 -0.471
   2048 |      70.049 |      38.525 |          0.550 -0.260
   4096 |     240.316 |     154.002 |          0.641 -0.193
   8192 |     788.324 |     613.826 |          0.779 -0.109

  - [*] : ratio and log10(ratio) in columns

* Elapsed time : 100.2 s


=> Elapsed time : 101 secs
   Begin        : 12:45:25
   End          : 12:47:06