Benchmarking : Smil vs scikit-image

Morphological Image Libraries

Function mapping between Smil and skImage

In this page we present which Smil functions we'll use as reference to compare their performance and their scikit-image equivalents.

Sometimes the code needed to obtain the same results aren't covered by a direct call to the function. In these cases, the code is directed by a note.

Functions for binary images

Test Smil function scikit-image function Note
erode erode() erosion()
open open() opening()
areaThreshold areaThreshold() label()
segmentation watershed() + ... watershed() + ... 2
distance distanceEuclidean() distance_transform_edt()
label label()
label() 3
thinning fullThin() thin()


1. skm.remove_small_objects() requires a labeled image while areaThreshold() expects a binary non labelled image as input.

2. Segmentation is seen as an application as it involves multiple functions. See : Segmentation of binary images

3. Smil has two functions to label binary images : label() and fastLabel(). The last is a parallelized version of parts of the first using OpenMP. We benchmarked both options and, as we'll see the last one is fastest only on images of big size.

Functions for gray images

Test Smil function scikit-image function Note
erode erode() erosion()
open open() opening()
tophat topHat() white_tophat()
hMinima hMinima() h_minima()
watershed watershed() watershed()
segmentation watershed() + ... watershed() + ... 1
areaOpen areaOpen() area_opening()


1. Segmentation is seen as an application as it involves multiple functions. See : Segmentation of gray level images