SMIL  1.1
Smil source organisation


This section describes how Smil source code is organized.

Notice that all Modules have the same organization (See Organisation inside Modules).

Smil source code tree

  |- CMakelists.txt                Smil build configuration file (cmake)
  +  CMake                         cmake include files
  |  +  CPack                      Smil package build specifications
  |  +  swig
  |  +  CrossCompilation
  |  +  Qt_MKSPECS_win32-x-g++
  +  Core                          Module - Data structures definitions
  +  IO                            Module - Image I/O functions
  +  Base                          Module - Non morphological image transformations
  +  Gui                           Module - Graphical User Interface (Qt based)
  +  Morpho                        Module - Core Morphological functions
  +  Advanced                      Module - Advanced algorithms
  +  Addons
  |  +  Color                      Module - Some color conversion functions
  |  +  FFT                        Module - Fast Fourier Transform (convolution)
  |  +  Filters                    Module - Non morphological image filters
  |  +  HoughTransform             Module
  |  +  Parsimonious               Module - Parsimonious Path Opening
  |  +  PathOpening                Module - Path Opening
  |  +  StochasticWS               Module - Stochastic Watershed
  |  +  ZhangSkel                  Module - Zhang derived thinning
  |  +  ZoneMatrix                 Module - Zone Matrix
  |  +  Vtk                        Module
  |  +  QVtkViewer                 Module
  |  +  ...
  +  NSTypes
  +  UserModules
  |  +  SampleModule               Module
  +  test
  +  images                        Directory containing images for test
  +  doc
  |  +  doxygen
  |  |  + images
  |  |  + src
  |  +  include
  |  +  demos
  +  contrib
  |  +  scripts
  |  |  |- config-smil
  |  +  ...
  +  dev-tools
  +  ...

Organisation inside Modules

<XXXX module root>
  |- CMakelists.txt
  |- smilXXXX.i
  +  include
  |  + private
  +  src                           Option [X]
  +  test                          Option [X]
  +  doc                           Option [X]