SMIL  1.1
Documentation (Doxygen)


Doxygen documentation can be found here : Doxygen manual

Documenting Smil

Function documentation

All functions shall be documented with a header like the following. Some parts may be missing if not necessary.

   * imageBeautifier() - Image Beautifier
   * Image Beautifier based on the algorithm described by John Beautiful
   * @note
   *  This is a note about imageBeautifier()
   * @warning
   *  This is a warning about imageBeautifier()
   * @see
   *  Some bibliographic reference about imageBeautifier()
   * @param[in]  imgIn : Input image
   * @param[out] imgOut : Image beautified
   * @returns Some result or error code

Aliases and macros

Other than Doxygen commands, Smil defines some aliases and macros. They are defined at doc/doxygen/DoxyAliases.txt file.

Alias Description
@TB{1} Text style bold
@TT{1} Text style typewriter
@TI{1} Text style italic
@Smil Smil
@Linux Linux
@Linux{1} Linux text
@Python Python
@Python{1} Python text
@Anaconda Anaconda
@URL{1} Display an URL as a link and text
@URL{2} Display an URL as a link and a text
@WebServerSmil Display @RootSmil as link and server name as text
@UrlSmil{2} Display Smil server URL as link and text
@WebServerCMM Display @RootSmil as link and server name as text
@UrlCmm{2} Display CMM content URL as link and text
@UrlGitHub{2} Display Github content URL as link and text
@UrlWikipedia{2} Display Wikipedia content URL as link and text
@wikipedia{2} Deprecated (use @UrlWikipedia{2}
@IncImages{1} Display one image
@IncImages{2} Display two images side by side
@IncImages{3} Display three images side by side
@IncImages{4} Display four images side by side
@devdoc Begin developer documentation section
@enddevdoc End developer documentation section
@SoilleBook Reference to Pierre Soille book (2003)
@SoilleBook{1} Reference to internal (p, ...) P. Soille book
@Serra82Book Reference to Jean Serra book (1982)
@Serra82Book{1} Reference to internal (p, ...) J. Serra book (1982)
@Serra88Book Reference to Jean Serra book (1988)
@Serra88Book{1} Reference to internal (p, ...) J. Serra book (1988)
@SSee{1} Bibliography : (See [3])
@smilexample{1} Example and @include example file
@smilexample{2} Example : some text and @include example file
@beginDynSection{2} Begin a "dynamic open" generic section
@endDynSection End a "dynamic open" generic section
@begintheory{1} Begin a "dynamic open" theory explaining section
@endtheory End a "dynamic open" theory section
@InplaceSafe Icon indicating some function is inplace safe
@InplaceSafe{1} Icon and text indicating some function is inplace safe
@InplaceUnsafe Icon indicating some function is inplace unsafe
@vectorized Icon indicating some function is vectorized
@parallelized Icon indicating some function is parallelized

Tips and Tricks

Doxygen / clang-format Oddities

  1. Use "@tag" syntax instead of "\tag" : clang-format doesn't handle these two constructions the same way and, sometimes, may break the structure. It seems that using "@tag" gives more predictable results. Still better, remember : be coherent and do the same thing the same way all the time.
  2. for the same reason, always insert a blank comment line between two blocks of doxygen documentation. This will prevent some Doxygen oddities.
  3. clang-format has problems when handling comments in the same line than code. So, avoid things like this :
    • avoid this
             if (x >= 0 && x < width) {  // Check if inside the image
    • this is OK
             // Check if inside the image
             if (x >= 0 && x < width) {
    • this is OK too
             if (x >= 0 && x < width) {
               // Yes, x is inside the image